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©Amélie Tazarourte
Amélie Tazarourte is a young French artist who was born in Stains, in 1996. After graduating from university with a degree in cinema, followed by a DNA from the Strasbourg art school (HEAR) and a master’s degree from the Prague design academy (UMPRUM), she continues her artistic research in Berlin. Using different media such as glass, photography and drawing, her work focuses on the notion of storytelling and language; the place it takes in our lives, and in the very structure of our societies.
The Grass, 2025
(ink on paper, 20,6 x 28,5 cm)
I had to draw about war.
Me, a women that never known it.
And yet, i can just turn my tv on and watch the news.
It seems it’s war everywhere, all the time.
I could just say “war”, and everyone will see,
In their mind, the picture of it.
I had to draw about war, and I felt conflicted.
What do I know?
What I have seen?
I have seen nothing.
Empty fields,
Human-made hills,
Silence, and grass
Everywhere, all over,
Only grass.